Looking to see your abs? Want to know how to target that pesky belly fat, especially the lower belly fat? Well you can't, not really. You can't target fat loss. The amount of fat you burn is based on metabolic rate and calories consumed. And where on the body that fat is burned from, isn't really even targeted by our bodies but rather genetics. This is why all our bodies are different and why you simply can not control it. That pesky fat, especially the lower abdominal fat, is not always but very often, the last to go. And this is why getting a six pack is based on body fat percentage. Just how low do you have to go? For men, they will see their abs between approximately 10-16%, with around 12% being ideal for fitness, in my educated opinion. For women this range is quite different, women will see their abs at approximately 18-24%, with around 20% being ideal for fitness. The lower body fat percentages are not only hard to get to and extremely difficult to maintain, being this "ripped", is not healthy. Especially for women, we need body fat, more so than men. When we dip too low, we lose the ability to menstruate. This may sound nice, but it means that we are not healthy enough to sustain a pregnancy. That doesn't sound nice. For men or women, at lower body fat percentages, we may feel weak, tired, have unhealthy skin, hair and nails. None of this sounds nice. Unless you are competing in fitness or bodybuilding competitions, it's not worth it. Certainly not ideal for building muscle or even muscle retention. Being "shredded" simply, is not ideal for health and actual fitness. It can be fun to get really lean and see that six pack every once in awhile, but I wouldn't attempt staying this way for long. A higher, healthy body fat percentage is how you get on the best shape that you can possily be in, not only that but you will far more likely have the ability to maintain it. And this bodyfat percentage will be a little different for all of us, based on our genetics. So unless you are stepping on stage, let's ditch the idea of having a shredded six pack. Let's instead set the goal of maintaining a healthy body fat percentage. One that keeps us looking and FEELING our best!
Body fat percentages and when you will see your abs.
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